Age: | 34 |
Height: | 5'10" |
Starting Weight: | 263 pounds |
Current Weight: | 186 pounds |
Starting Waist Size: | 44" |
Current Waist Size: | 33" |
How much did you lose (pounds, inches, dress/pants size)?
So far I have lost 75lbs total. When I started, I wore a 44 pant size and a 54 sport coat. I am now down to 32 pants and 42-44 coat size. My A1C is now normal as well.
What made you decide to get your Life Restored?
When my dad got killed unexpectedly in a car accident in July of 2015, I had to take over his affairs and part of that was learning the importance of life insurance. I tried to get a policy on me and was told I weighed too much. I visited a doctor in June of 2016 and was told I had diabetes and needed to lose 30lbs or I was going to die early and not be there for my kids. I began my journey on July 9th 2016.
What top three changes have you noticed since joining your Life Restored?
I would say first change I have noticed was not getting winded playing with my kids. Before when I was carrying around my extra weight I would tire very easily. Secondly, I do not snore anymore and my sleep apnea doesn’t exist anymore either. Thirdly, I am more aware of what my loved ones are doing and habits they are developing. Trying to instill in my kids the healthy habits I have learned has become a top priority.